One of the concerns your dentist in Wicker Park is asked about a lot is whether or not patients should be worried about the safety of dental x-rays. After all, x-rays do expose patients to low levels of radiation, which can sound scary. But don’t worry, we’re here to ease those… Read More…
When someone is missing a tooth or two, they may find themselves shying away from smiling and even avoiding some of their favorite foods. But the good news is that dental implants from your dentist in WIcker Park can be a game-changer. These surgical implants are permanent and don’t require… Read More…
It’s easy to not think about getting older when we’re young, but as each birthday passes, we start to become more and more aware of how the years have affected our health, our appearance, and many other things. However, it’s not all bad news. In fact, your dentist in Wicker… Read More…
You wake up at least a few times a week with soreness in your jaw and a dull ache in your head. Are you dehydrated? Did you bite down too hard on something? Did you sleep in an awkward position? While all of these things are entirely possible, did you… Read More…
Summer in Wicker Park is one of the most exciting times to call this area home, with so many places to visit and things to do. When summer rolls around, it can be super easy to get out of our regular routines, including how you take care of your teeth… Read More…
It’s a well-known fact that your dentist in Wicker Park recommends that everyone brush their teeth twice a day and floss once a day. But what about mouthwash? Should mouthwash be a part of your everyday oral hygiene routine? If so, how often should you use it? Benefits of Mouthwash Mouthwash… Read More…
Chances are if you have teeth, you’ve had at least one cavity in your lifetime. In fact, according to the CDC, 90% of Americans over the age of 20 have had a cavity. But just because they’re common doesn’t mean you necessarily want one. This is one reason, among many… Read More…
Bad breath is an incredibly common complaint of dental patients. In fact, an estimated 60 million Americans are affected by bad breath. But just because it’s common and you’re not alone doesn’t mean that it’s not something that you shouldn’t be concerned about. The truth is bad breath can be… Read More…
Whether or not you see your dentist in Wicker Park every six months, the truth is, things in your mouth can change rapidly and you may experience a sudden onset of symptoms that may concern you. However, not every new thing that you notice in your teeth, gums, or mouth is… Read More…
Everyone wants a bright, white smile. But not everyone wants teeth that have spotty areas of even whiter patches. However, this is incredibly common. But why do some people get white spots on their teeth? Can you remove them? Are they anything to worry about? Here’s the lowdown from your… Read More…